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Romanian Orthodox Church in Baden, Switzerland, dedicated to the Mother of God,Saint Calinic and Paisios celebrated 44th Anniversary of its existence. Our church is the oldest Romanian church in German-speaking Switzerland and one of the oldest Romanian churches in Western Europe.

Our new Church from Mägenwil/Baden was consacrated in 2023 from the Metropolit Maxim of Switzerland and received many very importanat reliques of great saints.

The foundation of the church was a great blessing for Romanians who, in difficult times of life outside the homeland, could baptize their children, get married and be buried according to the Orthodox tradition. But especially important for the Orthodoxes was the opportunity for the church to preserve their Orthodox values, to lead a prayer life, to participate to the Holy Liturgy.

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5506 Mägenwil/Bezirk Baden Hauptstr.26-Sf.Liturghie ora9

precedata de Utrenie:

2.04 Liturghia Darurilor Inainte

Sfintite - ora 10.30

5.04 Priveghere (Sambata III 

din Post) - ora 22

7.04 Dum. Sf Cruci

Scoatere Moastelor Sf Nifon Novg.

11.04. Sf Calinic - HRAM

12.04 Priveghere(Sambata IV

din Post)

14.04 Dum. Sf Ioan Scararul

19.04 Priveghere (Sambata V din


20.04 Vecernia

21.04 Dum Sf Maria Egipteanca

23.04 Sf Liturghie - Sf Gheorghe

ora 9.00

26.04 Priveghere (Sambata lui

Lazar) - Parastase ora 22

28.04 Floriile


ora 9- Sf Liturghie

Sf Matrona-Scoaterea Moastelor

ora 17.30 Denia 12 Evanghelii


ora 17.30 Denia Prohodului

4.05 ora 9 -Sf Botez si Sf Liturghie


ora 23.45/4.05.

Agapa crestineasca dupa Sf

Liturghie in saloanele Sf Biserici

07.05 Sf Liturghie

10.05 Izvorul Tamaduirii

12.05 Duminica Tomei si

Comemorare Cuv Dionisie-Colciu

14.05 Sf Liturghie

17.05 Priveghere cu Sf Liturghie

19.05 Duminica Mironositelor

21.05 Sf Constantin si Elena

24.05 Priveghere cu Sf Liturghie

26.05 Suminica Slabanogului

28.05 Sf Liturghie

31.05 Priveghere cu Sf Liturghie


Canonical dependence


Our church has constantly had its canonical recognition by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (from which it draws its canonical legitimacy itself the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church). Also the priests of our Church had their canonical legitimacy and connection from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

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The parish Archpriest is Valentin Bassarabescu-Puricel, with a degree in Orthodox Theology at the University of Saint-Serge / Sorbonne in Paris, a descendant of the ancient Romanian families of Bassarabescu and Boteanu.

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